Rugvistas designtävling!

Finalister 2021 - Rösta och Vinn

Prickly Pete av Dan Olsson



Prickly Pete is a softy with a tough exterior. He is known the world over and can be found roaming around your yard looking for a snack or a cozy spot to rest. The design is something for people of all ages and unlike the real thing will be nice and soft under your feet.

Om Dan Olsson

Though I am not schooled in the arts (other than one year of kindergarten) I have always enjoyed drawing and painting. I have been working in marketing for the past 10 years and have been able to exchange my pen for a mouse and keyboard. I have also become a critique of the arts as my daughter is now 4 years old and has a flare for painting (unfortunately not always on a canvas).
Pictured above is my son who shares the same hairdo as the hedgehog.

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