Rugvistas designtävling!

Finalister 2021 - Rösta och Vinn

Discovering life av Tanisha Arora



Om Tanisha Arora

I am currently a student at London college of Fashion (UAL). I graduated from National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gandhinagar as a Fashion and Lifestyle Accessories Designer. After my graduation I worked with Farah Khan Fine Jewelry to be a Senior Designer with the firm. My role as a designer is primarily that of a Jewelry Designer but I am also a part of the core team handling Visual Merchandising, Packaging design as well as Product Photography. Recently, some of the designs I created at Farah Khan Fine Jewelry were featured at the 2013 StyleLab Jewelry event in Los Angeles for the 85th annual Academy Awards. I am also empaneled designer with the Development Commissioner for Handicrafts of India.

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